Refresh your stove vents

Refresh your stove vents
Witness the remarkable transformation of a once grimy and greasy stove through a thorough cleaning method I’ve recently discovered and am excited to share with you. This effective technique, originally found on Jillee’s One Good Thing blog, has truly revolutionized my cleaning routine.
Let’s revisit the initial state of my filters – quite an unsightly sight, isn’t it? The accumulation of grease and grime on them made me uneasy at the thought of cooking with them hovering over my food.
To tackle the task of cleaning your stove vents, all you’ll need is a large saucepan and some baking soda. A crucial tip: if your pans are non-stick, opt for a stainless steel pan instead. Personally, I keep a dedicated pan just for this cleaning process.
Begin by bringing a pot of water to a vigorous boil. Once it’s bubbling away, generously sprinkle baking soda into the water. The amount depends on the water volume, and don’t be alarmed when it begins to fizz – that’s a positive sign! Add baking soda gradually to avoid excess. Once it fizzes adequately, use tongs to delicately immerse the filters into the solution.

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