How to Get the Smell of Urine Out of the Bathroom and Leave a Nice Scent

How to Get the Smell of Urine Out of the Bathroom

Humidity, scale, mold, urine—all these factors can make our bathroom seem dirty and full of bad odors. Despite our best efforts to clean, unpleasant smells often persist. Don’t worry, there are effective solutions to permanently eliminate these foul odors, especially those from urine!

The persistent smell of urine is due to the power of ammonia in the body fluid. However, you can eliminate these odors using a few natural and effective methods that have proven successful.

Want spotless toilets and a fresh bathroom? Follow our advice to make your own homemade deodorizer to eliminate stubborn urine odors and other unpleasant smells.


  • 1 tablespoon of cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
  • Zest of orange, lime, tangerine, or grapefruit
  • Medium glass container
  • Piece of porous fabric
  • Elastic band, string, or thread


  1. Place the citrus peels (choose one or mix several) inside the glass container.
  2. Add the tablespoon of cinnamon and cloves on top of the citrus peels.
  3. Mix everything together and cover with the piece of fabric.
  4. Secure the fabric with an elastic band, string, or thread around the lid.
  5. Decorate the container if desired and place it in your bathroom.

Leave the container in the room for a week or two. Change the contents regularly or repeat the process to maintain a natural, pleasant aroma in your bathroom.

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