Cabbage and Eggs: A Delightfully Simple Dinner Marvel

Crafting Your Cabbage and Egg Masterpiece

Prepare the Cabbage: Start by slicing the cabbage into thin strips. The thinner the strips, the quicker they will cook and the more delightful the texture in every bite.

Cooking the Cabbage: Heat a generous splash of oil in a large pan. Add the cabbage strips, seasoning them with salt and pepper. Stir-fry over medium heat until the cabbage is tender and slightly caramelized. This process brings out the natural sweetness of the cabbage, elevating the dish to new heights.

Adding the Eggs: Once the cabbage is cooked to your liking, create little wells in the pan and crack the eggs into them. You can either scramble the eggs into the cabbage for a more integrated dish or let them cook sunny-side up, nestled among the cabbage strips.

Final Touches: Adjust the seasoning if necessary and sprinkle your favorite herbs over the top for an added burst of flavor.

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