Crust Baking Sheet: Since I discovered this method, cleanup has been a breeze!

Crust Baking Sheet: Since I discovered this method, cleanup has been a breeze!

I often end up with a    burnt pan full of crusts    .

I always find it difficult to clean it properly and often even commercial chemicals cannot help me with this household task.

Of course, there is a    homemade method    that gives me a pan that is almost like new. I just have to   use the ingredients I already have at home    . The result is truly fabulous.

Crust Baking Sheet: Since I discovered this method, cleanup has been a breeze!

 a    pan full of burns and crusts, even the oldest and deepest,    is no easy task.

Precisely for this reason, cleaning a baking tray becomes a very boring job and also takes a lot of time.

But we must not despair!

Luckily,    I always use a home remedy    that allows me to clean the pan without the slightest effort. With this method the result is really amazing!

To carry out this cleaning job, first equip yourself    with a sponge and a pair of gloves  . Then all you have to do is   collect the vinegar    and    baking soda  .

Thanks to this method, I  no longer use the special chemicals on the supermarket shelves for deep cleaning.

Here’s what I do.

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