Dalgona Coffee

  1. Prepare the whipped coffee: In a mixing bowl, combine the instant coffee, granulated sugar, and hot water.
  2. Whip the mixture: Using a hand mixer, stand mixer, or a whisk, whip the mixture on high speed until it becomes thick, creamy, and forms stiff peaks. This may take about 5-10 minutes, depending on your method.
  3. Prepare your serving glass: Fill a glass with ice cubes if you prefer your Dalgona coffee iced. If you prefer it hot, you can skip the ice cubes and warm your milk instead.
  4. Assemble the Dalgona coffee: Pour milk into your glass, leaving room at the top for the whipped coffee. Spoon the whipped coffee mixture on top of the milk.
  5. Mix and enjoy: Before drinking, stir the whipped coffee into the milk to combine flavors. You can adjust the sweetness and coffee intensity by adding more or less whipped coffee.
  6. Optional garnish: You can garnish your Dalgona coffee with a sprinkle of cocoa powder, cinnamon, or chocolate shavings for extra flavor and visual appeal.
  7. Serve immediately and enjoy your homemade Dalgona coffee!

Dalgona coffee is a fun and easy-to-make beverage that’s perfect for enjoying at home or sharing with friends.

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