I never throw away remnants, I give them a second life: you can’t buy this in a store

If you use bar soap, then you definitely end up with soap residue. I admit, when I was young, I threw away such pieces of soap without looking. But now I’ve adapted to give them a second life.

And I’ll say right away, anticipating comments like: “What are you doing out of poverty?” No, not from poverty. I just don’t see the point in throwing away a product that can be put to good use.


Sponge with soap

I make a deep cut in the side of the sponge, it turns out to be something like a pocket, and I put pieces of soap in it. Just wet this sponge with water, squeeze it lightly, and it’s ready for cleaning. I clean the bathtub with this sponge after washing. Very convenient, no need to grab the soap and lather the sponge every time.

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