Scented bath for a week: all guests will want to know the secret

Did you know there is a way to keep your bathroom smelling great for a week? Try it yourself and you will see that your guests will want to know what you are using. Let’s find out what to use to perfume the bathroom for a long time.

Having a fresh and fragrant bathroom is essential to make the room liveable and welcoming, given that it is the space in which we relax and devote ourselves to body care. Welcoming guests to a nice-smelling bathroom is also a great way to make a good impression and put them at ease.

Not only that, it is also essential to scent the bathroom to ensure cleanliness and hygiene for everyone who uses it on a daily basis, to prevent the accumulation of germs and bacteria. Sometimes the use of air fresheners is not enough to keep the bathroom smelling for a long time and therefore it is necessary to resort to other solutions to achieve the desired result.

In addition, it may happen that some products contain irritating and aggressive substances, which can be harmful to your health, so here is the secret to keeping your bathroom scented for a week without spending practically anything!

Baking soda to scent the bathroom
A particularly effective ingredient for lastingly scenting the bathroom , even for a week, is sodium bicarbonate.

This ingredient has incredible properties to make the bathroom fresh and fragrant, the room in the house with the highest percentage of humidity, often responsible for bad odors.

Baking soda is an ingredient that helps absorb moisture and leaves a pleasant scent at the same time. But how to use it? Let’s see below how to use baking soda to scent the bathroom.

How to use baking soda
Using baking soda to scent your bathroom is easy, here’s what you need to do:
Sprinkle the sink with baking soda
Sprinkle everything with vinegar
Pour a few drops of your favorite essential oil down the sink
Take a sponge and gently scrub the sink
Bicarbonate de sodium
Instantly, a pleasant, pleasant smell will flood the entire room. Continue the operation by rinsing the sink then carefully dry everything using a soft microfiber cloth. The procedure is simple and quick to carry out and it will only take you a few minutes to perfectly deodorize the bathroom, without using harmful and expensive products, and obtain significantly superior and longer-lasting results.

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