Seedlings of tomatoes and peppers just right: short and stocky! I apply it once every 2 weeks

Fertilizing with nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is one of the B vitamins, which is essential for plants for proper growth and development. Moreover, nicotinic acid improves the immunity of seedlings. To water the seedlings, you need to use 1 tablet of nicotinic acid and 1 liter of water.

Supplement with calcium gluconate

Calcium in the preparation helps the development of a strong and healthy root system of seedlings. To keep the seedlings stocky, water them with a product made from 1 tablet of calcium gluconate and 1 liter of water.

Feeding with ascorutin

Ascorutin is a combination of ascorbic acid and rutin. Ascorbic acid improves metabolic processes and helps nutrients from the soil to be absorbed 2-3 times better. Using just 1 tablet of ascorutin, dissolved in 1 liter of water, is an excellent way to stimulate a plant that has begun to wilt.

Supplement with glucose

Use 1 ampoule of glucose and 1 liter of water to make another effective way to water your seedlings. Glucose is recommended for weak plants whose growth is slow.

Important!  After using fertilizing with glucose, you must wait until the soil is completely dry and only then water the seedlings again. Otherwise, mold may appear on the surface of the soil.

Supplement with B vitamins

Vitamins of group B will help you get strong and healthy seedlings. In order for the root system of seedlings to better absorb vitamins of group B, 1 gram should be added to the water. glycine.

Supplement with complex vitamins

Complex vitamins will help give seedlings additional strength for growth and development, as well as improve the health of the plantings. As with the previous feeding, for better absorption of vitamins, you need to add 1 gram of glycine to the water.

No specific or varied feeding is needed. Supplemental lighting + simple and natural fertilizer is enough for all the seedlings of tomatoes and peppers to be just right! Short, stocky, strong, with an excellent root system. It’s so simple and effective!

Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings

You only need to prepare 2 components. The first is pharmaceutical  iodine . Dissolve only  1 drop in 1 liter of water .

Iodine helps to improve the health of the plant and regulates nitrogen metabolism.
Protects against diseases and improves immunity.

The second is natural  honey . For 1 liter of water, just a little honey is enough – on the tip of a teaspoon.

Honey is a storehouse of nutrients for plants.
Improves soil composition and gives strength to seedlings.

Mix these two components in 1 liter of water. Pour the resulting solution over the tomato and pepper seedlings. It is convenient to water  with a syringe . Be careful: do not flood the plant! In everything it is necessary to observe moderation.

It is enough to feed the seedlings once every 2 weeks .

Remember also that in winter and early spring seedlings desperately need additional lighting. Even regular and LED lamps are suitable, from which you need to remove the diffuser bulb.

By following these simple rules, you will grow magnificent seedlings of tomatoes and peppers! The root system will be powerful, the plant will be strong and hardy. Have a good harvest!

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